The Poetry of Brady Stetson


A needle falling
To the lonely brown graveyard
In a pine forest


Every minute of my time is full
With pleasant visions entering my heart
Awakening the thoughts that crowd my skull
Growing from defeats which all played their part
Bloated with joy I turn on the power
Commanding all I do more than just play
My loss makes the experience sour
A fancy obsession forces my stay
This surreal fantasy consumes my life
Some new experience I look to find
Piercing my soul with the edge of a knife
The fate of the world controlling my mind
The end is at hand: the Earth is aflame
Credits roll in; it was only a game


I once had a pool
That was filled up with drool
To swim in it was a delight
But I put in chlorine
So the water was clean
And my shorts were spotted with white


My hearty beef stew is cooking
I slaughtered the cow in the back
It’s rotting carcass will soon be in my bowl
and then in my mouth

Rubber Smells Bad

I had a rubber, bouncing ball
I bounced into the sky
It would not fall, after all
I’d bounced that ball too high

Recycling is Good for the Environment

There is a can in my van
That’s been there for days
It’s empty and cold but
It won’t go away
I took it to Kroger
To get my ten cents
But it was Country Time Lemonade

I Don’t Really Care About Anything

If there’s one thing I crave
It’s to live in a cave
Like a hermit, a bat, or a bear
I’d sleep through the day
and at night I would play
but mostly I just wouldn’t care

Sometimes I Look Out the Window

One cheery flower
Springs up from the lonely ground
With shining colors